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2021 Corporate Holiday Gift Ideas for a Remote Workforce

By: Benefits by Design | Tuesday December 7, 2021

Updated : Friday June 17, 2022

It’s the most wonderful time of the year once again!  

The holiday season often sees workplaces filling up with gift baskets and chocolates as corporate partners, friends, and coworkers show their appreciation for each other. Much like the previous year, however, offices across the country may be a little less populated than usual, and physical deliveries to workplaces may lose their impact. 

So here are some corporate holiday gift ideas for remote workforce in 2021, as gifts for employees or even corporate partners. 

Go Sustainable 

2021 saw some significant climate impacts, culminating in the flooding in British Columbia, that have Canadians concerned about the environment and their impacts on it. Everyone can appreciate truly sustainable purchases, like reusable water bottles, straws, reusable beeswax wrap, that keep on giving again and again. Businesses can even use these sustainable corporate holiday gifts as a branding opportunity (and we don’t mean slapping your logo on everything).  

Instead, offer reusable gifts to corporate partners and employees to show your values and priorities, and encourage others to opt for more sustainable purchases. Here’s a few ideas: 

Support Local Businesses 

Small businesses have been hit hard by COVID-19 these past couple of years, so supporting them where you can is a great thing to do. If you’re looking for gifts for employees, partners, friends, or family, check out your local shops! You’ll find an incredible amount of variety and neat things.

Here’s just a few businesses near our own offices in Kingston, Ontario to show you what you can find: 

Charitable Donations 

Another area worth consideration is a charitable donation in the recipient’s name, rather than a physical gift at all. This is (spoiler alert for our corporate partners) the route that we’ve taken the past two years to great success! 

If this is the route you’re taking, consider personalizing the donation where you can. If you’re gifting a charitable donation to a corporate partner, try and find a charity that might resonate with them or their values and mission statement.  

Experiential Gifts 

Experiential gifts are all the rage right now! Rather than gifting a box of chocolates that will be devoured in, let’s face it, about ten seconds, gift an experience that will last a lifetime. Try out a few of these examples: 

Check out this guide of “Do’s” and “Dont’s” for B2B holiday gift giving!

B2B Holiday Gift Giving: Do's and Don'ts