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Why You Should Offer a Group Retirement Solution (GRS) in Your Employee Benefits Plan 

By: Benefits by Design | Tuesday September 6, 2022

Updated : Thursday August 8, 2024

Prospective employees (and indeed the ones you already have) are looking for more than just salary and vacation when looking for work. They’re looking at your total compensation package – everything you have to offer – which ought to include a group retirement solution (GRS). 

What is a Group Retirement Solution (GRS)? 

A group retirement solution (GRS) refers to many things, but ultimately is a product or service that educates and empowers individuals about their retirement options, and actively executes on building an effective retirement plan. 

Everything Employers Need to Know About Group Retirement Savings Plans

Why Offer a Group Retirement Solution (GRS)? 

A GRS sets employees up for success in retirement and is a highly sought-after benefit by working Canadians. This is particularly true in recent times as we look at rising inflation and cost of living. Examples include a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP), Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA), or a Deferred Profit-Sharing Plan (DPSP). 

Do you want to attract and retain top talent? Do you want to set employees up for future success? Do you want to remain a competitive employer in your industry? Yes. Offer a Group Retirement Solution (GRS)!

Here’s why your organization should consider offering a GRS: 

Introducing the People Corporation Group Retirement Solutions Team 

Benefits by Design (BBD) is pleased to work closely with People Corporation’s Group Retirement Solutions team! Through this highly knowledgeable and specialized team, our clients have access to dedicated resources and group retirement support, including: 

Working with this team, employers can set up a comprehensive solution for Canadian small businesses with a minimum contribution amount well below those of the major carriers, while still providing excellent service and benefits, such as: 

There are many GRS options to meet the needs and budget of any employer, including Group RRSPs and TFSAs, company stock plans, and Deferred-Profit Sharing Plans, which are an excellent solution for vesting employer contributions, and more! 

Learn More About Group Retirement Solutions 

Company-sponsored retirement savings programs are a great way for employers to invest in the financial future of their employees. You can learn more about group retirement options from your BBD or People Corporation representative. 

Download the Group Retirement Solutions Info Sheet to learn more!

Download Now (PDF: 867 KB)