Introducing Empire Life: Our New Life and Disability Insurance Provider
By: Benefits by Design | Thursday January 25, 2018
Updated : Thursday January 21, 2021In light of the recent announcement by Benefits by Design (BBD) Inc. regarding our new carrier relationship with The Empire Life Insurance Company (“Empire Life”), we wanted to share updates and insight on quoting with us, specifically for quotes including life and disability benefits.
Get to know Empire Life!
Before getting into the details of quoting, we want to make sure you know Empire Life! Established in 1923 as a subsidiary of E-L Financial Corporation Limited, Empire Life provides individual and group life and health insurance, investment, and retirement products to Canadians. The company’s mission is to make it simple, fast, and easy for Canadians to get the investment, insurance, and group benefits coverage they need to build wealth, generate income, and achieve financial security. As of September 30, 2017, Empire Life had total assets under management of $16.8 billion. Follow Empire Life on Twitter @EmpireLife or visit them at
Now quoting Empire Life disability and life insurance
Effective February 1, 2018, Empire Life is the primary provider of life and disability benefits for BBD Benepac® groups. This exciting new carrier relationship means Advisors will find an increased breadth of industries being quoted now, so groups that may have been declined in the past can now be reviewed. We suggest Advisors speak with a member of the BBD New Business team or their BBD Regional Director to determine how best to proceed with any quotes from industries that may have been declined in the past.
BBD continues to help working Canadians
A significant change Advisors will see on Benepac® quotes from BBD is that No Evidence Maximums (NEMs) may now be higher. This means it is possible for more coverage to be available without the requirement of providing additional medical underwriting. In addition, overall maximums (OM’s) may now be higher, therefore baseline amounts of coverage available would be higher. Increased coverage equals more protection for working Canadians.
Helping Advisors grow
Advisor Partners working with BBD to place cases will note increased flexibility in certain circumstances. With this change in carrier, BBD now has the ability to offer things outside what you may think of as the traditionally defined Benepac “box.” You may see this as exceptions on certain cases, and BBD Quoting Specialists will work with Advisors to find solutions for clients where in the past, non-standard requirements could not be met. Talk to BBD today. The new carrier relationship with Empire Life is just one of the many ways we are helping Advisors grow.