What are Medical Second Opinion (MSO) Services?
By: Benefits by Design | Tuesday October 31, 2017
Updated : Tuesday February 2, 2021If you’ve never been diagnosed with a serious or chronic medical condition, you’ve been spared the fear and confusion that comes with having to navigate through a significant health concern.
Knowing how to proceed becomes critical. After that, knowing where to turn can make a difference of weeks or even months of recuperation, not to mention time and expense.
This is where Medical Second Opinion (MSO) Services shine.
What are Medical Second Opinion (MSO) Services?
MSO provides a network of world-class specialist physicians and healthcare institutions to review and assess diagnosis and identify appropriate treatments.
Imagine an advocate focused on you and your health. This advocate dives into your medical history to ensure no details are lost planning your care and helping you recover. MSO can provide confidential reports and advice to help employees dealing with a serious diagnosis know how to proceed.
How Do Medical Second Opinion (MSO) Services Work?
After receiving a diagnosis, employees can contact their MSO provider to initiate a service call.
In the case of Benefits by Design (BBD) Inc., our MSO provider is HumanaCare. HumanaCare employs trained nurses to handle intake, providing a deeper and more professional level of care from the beginning. Employees dealing with a serious of confusing diagnosis connect with a medically-trained contact from the start.
From there, HumanaCare’s nurses will confidentially collect your personal and medical information for review by specialists. These specialists generate a report in as little as 24 hours, complete with appropriate diagnosis and treatment suggestions.
It’s important to note that MSO works in tandem with your doctor, rather than playing one against the other. Both ultimately want the same thing — to see you healthy and well.
Ensuring the Health and Safety of Employees
There are few times in a person’s life more confusing and stressful than when receiving a serious diagnosis. MSO offers an avenue for peace of mind and personalized treatments recommendations based on an employee’s medical history.
At BBD, we know the value of peace of mind and aim to make working through serious medical concerns as easy as possible. Our Life Insurance product provided through Empire Life automatically includes MSO Services at no additional cost.