4 Ways to Use Your Business Assistance Program (BAP)
By: Benefits by Design | Tuesday September 10, 2019
Updated : Thursday June 1, 2023
We began as a small business ourselves, so we know the struggles small- to medium-size business owners face. Managing cash flow, employee acquisition and retention, legislative or legal issues, building sustainable growth, etc.
Human resources, financial, and legal advice can be costly for a small business owner. The much sought after one-on-one consultation is often financially out of reach for many businesses. That’s where adding a Business Assistance Program (BAP) to your small business benefits package comes in.
What is a Business Assistance Program (BAP)?
A Business Assistance Program (BAP) is designed with smaller organizations in mind. A BAP focuses on providing owners and managers with the tools they need to keep their business on the right track.
For example, this confidential service provides access to professional accounting, counselling, legal, and human resource experts who understand the business challenges you face.
Bonus: If you are a Benefits by Design (BBD) Inc. client with Life Insurance through Empire Life, you have access to a BAP through HumanaCare at no additional cost!
#1. Get Legal Advice
Firstly, and probably accessed the most often, is legal advice.
When faced with a business legal dilemma, this service provides practical and current interpretations of common corporate, labour, and employment law issues. As a result, business owners receive professional guidance on employee terminations, employer rights and obligations, and access opinion on legal suits involving consumers, the community, or the environment.
#2. Ask for Financial Advice
Secondly, employers can access their BAP to obtain financial advice for a variety of problems. Using this coverage, employers can obtain answers and recommendations to solve business accounting challenges, make informed compliance decisions, and better manage company finances.
For instance, employers could access a BAP for payroll inquiries or assistance with taxes, saving them from stretching themselves too thin.
#3. Get Human Resources (HR) Assistance
Thirdly, a BAP provides Human Resources (HR) support.
Confidential telephone coaching helps address a wide range of challenging people issues, including performance management, absenteeism, conflict, and difficult behaviour, managing sick leave, and return-to-work strategies. Through this service, employers can fill a gap in a business without HR support, or complement any internal HR team.
#4. Confidentially Refer Employee’s to Counselling Services
Lastly, yet still very important, is the confidential referrals for employees.
When an employee is consistently absent from work or underperforming, there’s a strong probability a personal issue is a cause. Most importantly, with the help of a BAP, employees have resources available to deal with situations affecting their work performance, including:
- Work-related difficulties
- Personal problems
- Dependency concerns
- Eldercare issues
- Marital and family challenges
- Bereavement
This confidential counselling service is highly sought-after, but is limited through a BAP. For true employee support and assistance during difficult times, employers should consider an Employee Assistance Program (EAP).
For instance, EAPs can provide immediate help and ongoing support in a way that a BAP, which is primarily focused on employers and their business, can’t.
The Fine Print
BBD’s Life Insurance product (insured through Empire Life) are given HumanaCare’s BAP at no additional cost.